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job hunting 2.0, using social media

Spouse Care - Job hunting 2.0, Using social media

In this workshop we will help the partners of expats to be more effective online. We will talk about job hunting, job marketing and other opportunities via LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. It can help to familiarize with a vacancy or potential employer. We will also help them to find interesting people online with who they wouldn’t normally come into contact. 

Social media can enhance career opportunities in different ways. In the current job market it’s crucial to be visible online. You want recruiters and/or searchers to be able to find you. Social media is a key source of information for recruiters who are increasingly finding suitable candidates via LinkedIn. Social media helps to be found and to maximize your chances on the Job Market that way. Social media can be easy and fun if you know how to use it! 

What to expect?
The workshop is a combination of a theoretical framework, live examples and immediate implementation on each one’s own computer.

Beginners and advanced users: 
You are a beginner or a passive user with a short personal profile and/or less than 100 connections on LinkedIn. 
You are an advanced user with an active profile and/or you have more than 300 connections with a low social selling index (SSI) on LinkedIn. 

What to learn as a beginner? At the end of this session:

  • You have learned more about SEO (search engine optimalisation) on LinkedIn and how recruiters and employers search
  • You know how to build your network online quickly
  • You know how to find and connect with interesting people and companies in your network
  • You will know how to use LinkedIn in a professional way: - You will receive tips for creating an excellent personal profile on LinkedIn - You will find out more about the most important LinkedIn settings - You will receive LinkedIn tips & trics and do’s & dont’s - You will know how to become a (active) member of a group - You will kow more about (job)searching and search results on LinkedIn
  • You will have a better understanding of Twitter and Facebook as job search and orientation tools 

What will you learn as an advanced user? At the end of this session:

  • You will know how to use social media to your advantage. Your focus is to expand and to maintain your online network and find a job. - You will know how to inform your network and maintain updates and activities - You will know how to search and share information for personal branding purposes - You will know how to apply for a job via LinkedIn
  • You will learn more about SEO (search engine optimalisation) on LinkedIn and how recruiters and employers search
  • You will get advice on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and show your specialties and competencies on LinkedIn
  • You will know how to use the most important LinkedIn features
  • You will know how to profile yourself in the best possible way and how to be visible and easily found
  • You will leave with a network strategy and plan of action of how to use LinkedIn to achieve your goals

What we need from the spouses/partners: 
You have to bring their own laptop/notebook to the workshop. 
You already have a LinkedIn account and have set up a profile before they participate in this workshop. 

To prepare for the workshop you will receive a questionnaire to determine their level of social media knowledge and an assignment. You have to send an e-mail with the link to their personal LinkedIn-page, Facebook and Twitter account to the trainer, no later than 5 working days before the workshop. 

You will be social media proof and will know how to use social media to their best advantage jobwise and achieve their goals faster and easier.

The workshop is given for a group by Rik Keijzer.
It is also possible to follow an online individual training Spouse Care - Job hunting 2.0, Using social media, which is given by Masja van Loon via Skype.

Rik Keijzer

Rik Keijzer has worked for over 12 years as an expert and trainer in the area all internet-related matters. He has worked for large companies as well as small, for freelancers and artists. He has worked on websites, social media (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram) and on online and content marketing.

Masja van Loon

Masja van Loon is a career coach and a personal branding/social media trainer. Her mission is to help professionals get and keep their careers on track in this ever-changing job market. Her vision is to teach people the importance of being searchable and visible online for their career and job potential in today’s job market. Building up and maintaining your network with the help of social media is essential for your career, now and in the future. This is how to future-proof your career prospects and it requires a high level of personal initiative-taking and self-knowledge.

More information on groupsizes, duration and tariffs   

For more information about Jobhunting 2.0