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The training is interactive, based on the techniques of Storytelling. During the training we share meaningful stories that easily create insight in one’s behaviour, fears or how to be successful. Being able to tell your own story always works distinctive.
Networking always has a purpose. You build contacts that can help you further in your work or in your private life and vice versa; that you can help others. It means that you are connected to others and therefore able to use the principle of supply and demand (giving and receiving) faster, more innovative and with more results, because you are doing it together. Yet, we are all very good at inventing objections to network.
Do you recognize this for example?
And those are just but a few
Topics to be covered:
Els Brouwer is trainer, Chief Storytelling Officer and labour market specialist at Projob. Els is a graduate of the Storytelling Academy and for her master proof final presentation she combined her 30 years of experience and expertise in the job market with creativity and storytelling.
Through her eBooks and trainings she wants to help people to connect their own story to that of their environment or company rather than merely helping people discover their ethos when it comes to the field of job market topics.