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21st Century Skills 

What are 21st Century Skills? How can we take these 21st century skills into consideration within our working environment? What is important to know about the 21st century attitude and work culture? How can we develop and accommodate these skills? How can we increase an understanding among an intercultural and inter-generational workforce?

Els Brouwer (Projob) and Edith Punt (KIT) have answered these questions and more in an English webinar on May 7th. 

our services

Personnel & Payroll

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Training and workshops

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HR Advice

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Company Onboarding

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What does Projob stand for?

Projob stands for work, conscious awareness, development, innovation and meaning. We network, create and collaborate in co-creation. 

We consider ourselves to be a house of careers – a safe haven where people can talk about work, development and ambitions in confidence. A haven where advice is given, and action is taken on the basis of knowledge and skills. A place where clients are offered a tailor-made service, never a standardized one. Projob House of Careers is located at the heart of the multicultural city of Amsterdam, where we, as all-inclusive job market specialists feel right at home. Anyone who wants to work and to develop themselves is welcome here.

Projob advocates the theory that everything is inter-connected. We use our heads and hearts when setting our goals. In our relationships with others, business is taken seriously without making any concessions to humanity. 

Projob uses a simple yet effective formula:

all of our services are focused on people and sustainable relationships.

Find out more about who we are

Training is gaining in importance.

Projob provides training courses which are precisely customised to the requirements of your company.


Training for employees/teams and management is gaining in importance.

Development and training is rated highly by employees, team members and managers and will increase in importance in the future.
Our training portfolio is widely varied to cater to as many people as possible. 

Every two months we update our training courses and send an overview to our clients. If you have not received this overview and would like to, you can subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of this page. 

For more information, see the overview of our training courses.

A selection of our clients


Everyone who is looking for a job, personal development, inspiration and knowledge is welcome at Projob’s House of Careers. Our House of Careers is about people and quality of work and life. People work an average of 200 days per year. More than half of our time is taken up with the work we do, the colleagues we see daily, the culture we find ourselves in and the specific experiences which belong to this. If you consider it from this angle, work is not only about work but about life. It is about your interpretation of how you want to live and in which direction you want to develop. Which type of work fits your interpretation and is meaningful and satisfying?

Our house has all types of specialists available to advise and coach you and search for that job which will make you happy. 

A house full of specialists

Everyone who is looking for a job, development, connections inspiration and knowledge is welcome at Projob’s House of Careers.