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Vitality in all stages of life

Vitality in all stages of life & stress reduction

In a labour market characterised by complex challenges such as high workloads, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, mobility and mental resilience, it is essential to pay attention to vitality and sustainable employability for all target groups.

Our programme offers a wide range of options, ranging from online information sessions to comprehensive programmes tailored to teams or individual employees. .


Topics that can be included in a tailor-made programme include: 

  • How to ensure a healthy work-life balances
  • How to unwind and destress
  • What motivates you and brings you a sense of fulfillment at work?
  • How hormones affect your vitality
  • How to remain employable in all phases of life

These programmes can take place both online and on location. It is possible to combine programme components with aspects of, for instance, vitality, menopauze & work.

More information about the possibilities?