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In coaching, outplacement and recruitment, our career coaches can make use of HR test instruments. These test instruments can also be used separately.
A method whereby a neutral party – the mediator in this case – acts as a middleman between two or more parties at conflict. The parties in question attempt to seek the best solution to a problem with the guidance of the mediator.
Collaboration is one of Projob’s core qualities. Several independent trainers work alongside us in Projob’s House of Learning & Development. We also work with interim coaches who collaborate with our regular coaches on transition or outplacement projects.
Outplacement provides active
support during a job change.
Outplacement offers you,
as a good employer, the opportunity
to part ways from your employee
respectfully and in the right way.
Projob’s Company Onboarding
department (PCO) supports international
companies in establishing themselves
as newcomers when they often don’t
know how to navigate their way through
the Dutch job market.