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Fida van Loen

Creative, People Person, Connector, Humor, Authentic
T: +31205738363 | E: |

Senior Career Coach & Recruitment Consultant

During her successful career as a Recruitment Consultant at Projob, Fida van Loen decided to follow the Career Coach training in 2017. She supervises career discussions and outplacement processes (which we prefer to call 'next placement processes', with an emphasis on the positive side of the change, namely: a next step). Fida also does speed coaching programs: she knows how to address the most important questions in online sessions of just thirty minutes. She quickly puts people at ease and, thanks to her extensive experience and knowledge, she gets to the heart of the matter right away.

Fida plays an active role within Pro-Homeostasis, our expertise center that focuses on working women in menopause. She conducts the intake interview, during which an extensive inventory takes place. Throughout the process, she acts as a coach for all career and work-related points of interest. She monitors the entire customized process with regular interim evaluations. Based on the specific needs of the person to be guided, she shapes the process step by step.

Fida likes to remain involved in the recruitment team and therefore works one day a week as a Senior Recruitment Consultant. In this role, she also guides new consultants and ensures synergy between the two departments. This collaboration also gives recruitment colleagues good insight into the possibilities of coaching and training for our candidates and clients. Sometimes a candidate who is looking for a job needs to first go through a coaching process in order to consciously take the right next step. Because Fida is aware of all vacancies, this can lead to coached candidates finding a new job even faster.