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Role analysis

Role analysis is designed to determine what behaviors are needed to carry out a particular role successfully, in a quick and effective way. The process is simple and the result is a clear job profile. It is designed to provide an intuitive way of thinking about the behavior and the motivation necessary to successfully fill a specific job.

When is Role Analysis the right choice?

Before you can recruit the right person for the job it is important that you, in addition to understanding the profile of the candidate, also have a clear picture of the required behaviors for the role. A part of the role analysis is the specific task analysis. This is a questionnaire that can quickly and effectively provide insight into whether what you are offering / demanding is realistic. We often unknowingly search for the needle in the haystack, which only causes delays.

Our method and rate

  • We send you an email with the link to the Role Analysis questionnaire.
  • Duration of questionnaire : 20 minutes.
  • One hour private session with a coach where the outcome of the test is explained.
  • Written report and graphic scores.

The price of a Role analysis is € 175,- excluding VAT.

The Projob career coaches are certified by Thomas International for the administering and interpretation of the Role analysis